Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Sorry... I don't know your name

There are so many people who touch our lives in one way or the other. The family and friends fall in the prime and lucky category for the reason that they know and are often acknowledged and appreciated.

Beyond these two categories of angels, there are so many people who make our lives a lot easier... everyday. One such person in my life happened to be the rickshaw- wallah who promptly waved everyday on seeing me and knew exactly where I would go and how much would I pay for that (the pain of bargaining nullified :))

On one just- another- morning, as I stepped out of my house, I couldn't see the same man. Without thinking even once, I took another rickshaw and headed towards the bus stop. The same evening, as soon as I reached the bus stand for taking a rickshaw. the rickshaw- wallah appeared on the scene just like any other day. Only the rickshaw looking strikingly different. Wow! a new rickshaw? I inquired. I bought it just yesterday. Have laddoos, Madam! I wanted to give you the first ride in the morning itself. But you took another rickshaw today, he replied with a smile. I promptly said, You were not there Bhaiya! I was there only Madam and I called out on you, too. Only that I had parked my Rickshaw under the tree. These decorative laces are so expensive. I must take care of them, came a concerned reply. I was already feeling both delighted and sorry. Delighted because I was considered important by a stranger and sorry because I could see in his eyes how strictly he had saved the money for a rickshaw with all those laces and frills. You should have called on me aloud, I remarked!

No use Madamji! There is so much of noise in the traffic and so many madamjis go to work these days. I am sorry, I don't know your name either.Therefore I waited till the evening. Come on... we should hurry up now! be seated and eat your laddoo... You'll be home in no time today .

I came back home with a strange feeling and the taste of the laddoo still lingered in my mouth. With this post, I guess the rickshaw- wallah bhaiya has been awarded his share of justice.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Being Away... Its fun!!

As a child, we have all been taught about our body systems, organs and their functionalities...and oh yes! about their malfunctioning and their consequences too! They say, when a person's feelings are hurt it's the soul that is actually hurt and doing so is the most severe sin ever...

I wonder, why they don't tell us about the thing called soul in school? is it because the soul is not listed among the body organs or muscles and the likes? or is it because of the lack of physical presence within us? letting it go, if I am hurt the greatest at soul, how do I help it heal?

The Soul, as we all know, is the greatest and most subtle part of our existence. the healing power of my soul within uncovered for me just recently. While I was having a difficult time staying away from home and family in a city where pace of life was few hundred times faster than where I came from, I began searching for happiness just the way I would for my favorite candy as a child. And as is truly said, God answers all curiosities of children, I was being favored too! :)

I soon realized that all the happiness was very well within me and the way to feel it was just as simple!
Start thinking from now on that you are happy ( because you are blessed to). If you want to be cheerful through the day, wish yourself a great morning accompanied by an ear to ear smile... you'll feel your beauty even in the messiest of your hair- do and a shabby night wear... It truly works wonders! Before you step out for work or any thing else, tell yourself you are the best! You look gorgeous and have everything that it takes to be successful.

Believe me! Its the happiness therapy...You have it within you...why waste it???? Lets go out and flaunt it :)