Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The Evening Love

"Its not about how we met Vikram... Its that we were destined to!"

"I know that Jenny and I can never forget anything about 'us'. You, this place and the 'me' I have become with you.."

The evening was getting darker as Jenny and Vikram walked across the park where they had first met. It was not even an year ago, when they did not even know each other. They were as good as any other strangers who came to the park everyday in the evening. Some were regulars, some were less frequent.

"And you remember, how we didn't even notice each other for so long!", said Jenny with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Not we Jenny! Only you did not..I always used to see the petite girl who came down every evening and never wore the same tee twice in a row", said Vikram with a smile that always left Jenny guessing over the meaning behind his words.

Vikram's company had relocated him to Mumbai and he was supposed to move there within a week. When his manager informed him about it this morning, the first thought that came to his mind was "Does Jenny's company operate in Mumbai? If not, how can I go?" He instantly searched her company's website but alas! it wasn't. He stared hopelessly at the monitor screen as the happy times with Jenny flashed across his mind. The fun filled evenings when they worked out together. How Jenny flaunted her perfect figure when she used to invite him for eating those aloo-tikkis and pastries. And how he used to explain to her why she should not be the big-time foodie that she was.

Even before he could sense what he was feeling, he knew he was smiling.

And when it was 8 in the evening, they they met everyday and Vikram told her about his relocating plans. While he spoke, he smiled but with the pain in his eyes that Jenny refused to notice.

"Will you want a parting gift from me, too?", said Jenny with the usual chirpiness in her voice. "By the way, I deserve one, too. So, maybe we can go together and get something for each other. Or an even better idea, let's go on a food marathon and you will have to eat all that I suggest!, continued Jenny almost without breaking her breath.

Vikram stared at her silently, wondering how magical everything was about her! She was a foodie and that made her so vivacious. He knew it sounded weird, but anything for Jenny!

Today, right now, Vikram was all set to leave. His bags packed and he, ready to fly to Mumbai holding a small gift box for Jenny. He knew she would come with her extraordinary energy level and he will definitely leave light hearted. And just then, she was there!

"I haven't bought you anything! Does that make you rethink if you should give me that box you have for me or cancel it?", said Jenny with the quirkiness that always floored Vikram.

"How bad is that Jenny! Of course I am holding it back then. Maybe I can put it to some good use in mumbai", said Vikram winking.

As Vikram approached the cab, jenny handed him an envelope and said, "open it after you can't see me waving at you." "Sure Jenny madam! as you always", said Vikram, smiling, as they hugged each other and Vikram handed the gift box to Jenny.

"As the cab was pulling off the road, Jenny stood waving when she realised that her phone vibrated. It was Vikram. "Hey Jenny! did u really need to write all this? Could you not say it to me, stupid? Have you unwrapped your gift box?"

" "Not yet Vikram!" and she broke down. "I never had the guts to tell you that. I feared I would lose you forever."

"Vikram smiled and said, "Open your box! And yes..I have a friend in the company where you have forwarded your resume in Mumbai. I am sure, you are landing there soon! Smart girl you are!" Meanwhile, Jenny had opened up the box and found half a ceramic heart with Vikram's name scribbled on it. The attached note said, "I have the other half. Can we put the two halves together?"

"Jenny smiled and said, "We will Vikram! We definitely will".

Monday, 18 June 2012

The Monsoon Love

"Deep! Deep!! Can you not hear me? Come on over..look! the sky is overcast with clouds. Its lovely atop here". Her voice kept getting joyous with the cool breeze rustling through her hair.

Downstairs in the living room, Deep sat with his laptop, too engrossed to acknowledge her ecstasy. He was too tired to begin his day and slipped into the couch with his head stretched on the cushion and eyes shut. He was falling asleep when Kerry walked in bringing along the enthusiasm of the breeze that played a welcome note for the monsoon. She could see how tired Deep was and decided to let him relax.

It was almost four years back, when Deep and Kerry met each other through a social networking site. They became friends, then good friends and then the best friends... as they moved out of the virtual world into the real one.

Deep, then, was a guy any girl would love to be with. He was courteous and cheerful He lived life like no one else did and was fond of seeing new places and meeting new people. Kerry, too, like him, was fond of everything life had to offer and believed in living to the fullest. There was an energy of awesomeness that surrounded both of them.

Until last year, everything was perfect. The storm of disturbance came riding on the wings of time when Deep switched his job where he was to travel very often for work. Deep, who once loved travelling was now tired of it. He often thought to himself as to what was the reason because of which his passion was creating a disgust in his life. But to no use! He never found an answer. And before he could discuss it with Kerry, he was on another trip, travelling across the world, but half heartedly. He was making big bucks but without the pleasure of doing so and he was sure, Kerry too, felt the same but was too sweet to let him know of it.

It was around nine in the morning and in the other part of the house, Kerry was busy making Deep's favorite tea in the backdrop of a musical love note which Deep always hummed for her. She picked the mug and reached the living room to find Deep asleep.

"Deep!", called out Kerry in a soft voice and he woke up realizing that he slept mistakenly. The innocent smile on Kerry's face was a treat to his eyes. As he started sipping the tea, Kerry told him about the lovely weather upstairs in the open. She forced him up and there they were... like an year back. As the cool breeze rustled past Deep's ears, and Kerry whispered those magical words, Deep's world seemed to be changing and the recent anxiety and fatigue appeared too meaningless for attention when his beautiful Kerry smiled with her arms around his neck.

"Let's go on a long drive!", said Deep.

"What? A long drive? Are you dreaming Deep? Haven't you got an office today? Go! get ready..!", reacted Kerry. And this time, tears came down Deep's eyes as he sensed how lonely Kerry has been. He wrapped his arms around her and bought her close. "I am sorry my Love! All this time, I was thinking that I was busy with work, but I was wrong! I am not tired of work. I am tired of not being close to you! I am..tired... because I haven't made my Kerry smile since long.." And Kerry couldn't believe it was happening. She jumped of joy and kissed Deep.

"Shall we not go in our pyjamas? Like we used to earlier?" said Kerry and Deep agreed.

As they drove down the countryside, and the monsoon broke, Deep felt like the cloud that was pouring down rain..his anxiety no longer survived. His heart had only one feeling..the feeling of Love for Kerry.